School Boy's International 2019
Gavin Robinson
AUG. 22, 23, 24, 2019
This year was an exciting year for our school "boy's" side as they were able to compete in two test matches, one against Kenya and the other against Florida. The Zambian team consisted of two girls and two boys.
The tournament was held over the weekend of 23,24,25 August. We had visiting teams per kind invitation from the President of the Zambia polo association, these were 4 children from Kenya and 4 children from Florida, USA. All kids were below 18 years of age. Zambia fielded two teams and a round robin format was played. At the end of the tournament the final results were Kenya 1 st , Zambia A 2 nd , Zambia B 3 rd and USA 4 th . Prior to each game we had curtain raisers played by Zambian kids who did not make the official teams, and this meant we had every day 24 Zambian kids playing polo – a wonderful achievement along with the 8 visiting players too. All visitors were leant horses by members of the ZPA and they had many to choose from. It was well supported by fans and friends of polo and a great weekend was enjoyed by all. All games were officiated by the same two umpires and 3 rd man to ensure even adjudication of all matches. There was a full ambulance service the entre weekend as well as a veterinarian surgeon on hand to look after the horses, we had no incidents to player or pony again. We thank the Kenyans and Americans for travelling to Zambia, we hope they enjoyed their trip and found the whole of Zambia to be very friendly and welcoming.